Thursday, 20 October 2011

lady gaga spread9text wrap)

in this one i used InDesign as well for this one and i used text wrap for it that's why it is going around the body of lady gaga and i had to use pen tool to select the picture

1 comment:

  1. Ore
    Excellent work. You have produced a great page layout. You have followed all the techniques we have developed in class. I like the use of text wrap and drop caps.

    This is a distinction

    You could make this even better by fixing up the small 'island' of text on her ride hand side - see how the text strapped in there? It might be hard for the audience to read. Also consider the visual impact of the text at the bottom of the left column.

    The right column of text might also look better if you fully justified it (that means making it line up on both the left and the right hand side of the page)

    Well done!!
    Mr Monahan
