Minutes for marketing meeting
Date: 15/03/13
Present: Oreo, Emma, Maria, Kate
Absent: Cathy, Nasrina
Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with
final decisions highlighted
in yellow)
Identify the 3
target audiences you are going appeal to (age, gender, likes/dislikes,
psychographic profile)
The 3 target audience we all agreed on
are, Female teenagers 13-18, Young men 19-20, Young children 10-12
Brainstorm general
ideas for possible adverts.
NH-TV adverts for kid’s e.g CITV because on this channel they have
Ore-Disagrees with NH instead it should be on CBBC because they would
have anti-bullying season.
Emma-Agrees with ore because more people who are 10-12 will watch
CBBC and CITV is mostly appealed to younger children. Also to link with the
anti-bullying her song ‘nobody’s perfect’ would be a good message to show
that everyone has their flaws and no one should judge each other’s flaws.
Maria- Agrees even though she does not know the show, she knows it
would be a good idea to promote Jessie J.
Kate-I agree with Ore’s point because I also watch CBBC and
understand what children like to watch.
NH- Agrees she has changed her matter of opinion because she noticed
that CITV is appealed to children from the age of 5.
Cathy- Also agrees with the CBBC idea because she likes the show and think that it is suitable for
the target audience.
Emma&Oreo- Think that Jessie j should do an interview with the
CBBC Presenters and do a live performance to promote her song.
NH- Agrees with the live performance because they will be an actual
audience seeing Jessie J performing in front of them.
The group-we all have come to the decision that the male target
audience should be a print advert.
Emma&NH- should do a review instead of a poster because the men
would judge her, video review would be better as they won’t judge.
Emma-For our last target audience, which are female teenagers, we
could have a poster in a magazine, which will be our print advert. Should be
in a popular teen magazine, such as ‘Teen vogue’ or ‘Look’, but rather be
with ‘Teen Vogue’ because a lot of her friends read it as well.
Maria- Doesn’t read these types of magazine, so she would think that
it is not a good idea.
Kate- Disagrees with Emma because a lot of people do not know about
this magazine and it is very unknown here in the UK, and thinks we should do
a magazine that here in the UK people would know about and will enjoy to
Oreo- Kind of disagrees with Emma because she has never read teen
vogue, and it is more popular in America and the British audience wouldn’t
really know about this magazine.
Emma-Agrees with Ore because it’s more of an American magazine.
Kate- Has realised that our third advert has to be something on the
internet related, so we had to change the plan.
Emma-Suggested tumblr because she really likes tumblr and a lot of
people use it, and it has become a bit more popular than Facebook. Facebook
is more for communicating to your friends and tumblr is more for pictures.
Oreo- cause Facebook is more of a communicating site, so that means
if someone sees’s the banner, they would tell someone about Jessie J and her
new album, and it will become viral.
Kate- thinks that Facebook and tumblr is a good idea because there
are millions of people using Facebook and if you advertise Tumblr on Facebook
for people to see Jessie J, it would make our site more popular on Tumblr,
however thinks that it should be on Facebook because she does not really use
tumblr as often.
Maria- Thinks it should be on Facebook, because everyone does not use
Tumblr as often.
Emma- Agrees with everyone’s point but she has changed her mind, and
listened to everyone idea, and has come to the agreement that Facebook is a
better idea. We could make a Facebook timeline banner and for Jessie J
official Facebook page.
Oreo- Asked how is that going to be effective?
Emma- it is going to be effective because a timeline banner is the
first thing everyone will be able to see because it is big and bold and it
stands out more than a profile picture.
Kate-Agree’s with Emma because, the timeline image will stand out,
and depending on the images that has been used.
Maria- Agree’s with the Facebook idea because as soon you go on
facebook you will automatically see the images stand out to you straight
away, and you can make the Facebook page look creative.
Everyone-Has agreed to stick with Facebook.
Final decisions on
advert 1
CBBC Interview with Jessie J.
Final decisions on advert 2
Review in NME magazine.
Final decisions on advert 3
Facebook timeline banner.
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